Offline Chat for People Nearby
Chat with people nearby without the internet, using Bluetooth and peer-to-peer Wi-Fi
No setup required—open the app and connect automatically
Use Speakeasy Code to chat more privately—only people with the same Speakeasy will connect
Up to 8 people can chat within around 100 m of range
Never use in stress or as the last resort—app is for convenience only
Chat is not private or secure. Never expect anonymity
Privacy policy
Beacon does not track you, collect data, or perform any analytics. There is no privacy policy to agree to.
Why is it free?
This app was made out of pure interest to learn Multipeer Connectivity, one of Apple’s app frameworks.
It took me 4.5 hours to make this app, prepare the screenshots and publish it to the App Store. I don’t feel like charging anything for the app.
What’s the catch?
For now, there is no catch. Like I said, the app is free to use, and collects no data.
Down the road, the app likely will not receive the attention it may need to stay functional, because it is free.